Campbell's® Condensed Beef Broth and Campbell's® Condensed Cheddar Cheese Soup provide the perfect texture and taste for this zippy version of the all-time...
A simple, satisfying meal that's ready fast. Broccoli, onion, and chicken combine with penne in an extra virgin olive oil and garlic sauce, for a quick...
Four cheese ravioli, called Ravioli a Quatro Formaggio in Italian, makes a glorious hot dish or salad when combined with pesto and sun dried tomatoes,...
This layered beauty is stacked with fresh vegetables, baby greens, aromatic herbs, three kinds of Italian cheeses, and Classico® Four Cheese pasta sauce....
Perfectly al dente ravioli combines with crisp-tender root vegetables and delicate scallops for an elegant, easy meal. A pool of marinara sauce showcases...
Gnocchi are tossed in a quick sauce made from fresh kabocha winter squash, toasted walnuts, and smoked scamorza cheese. Each ingredient has a particular...
The irresistible taste of sweet Italian sausage adds an unforgettable flavor to creamy Fettuccine Alfredo. Tender crisp Italian green beans and a cool...